While the impacts of COVID-19 are still unfolding, there is no doubt that the agrofood sector is vital in supporting a sustainable economic recovery. 

With its favorable geographical conditions and climate, large arable lands, and abundant water supplies, Türkiye is considered to be one of the leading countries in the world in the field of agriculture and food.

Türkiye has a thriving agriculture and food industry that employs almost 20 percent of the country’s working population. In 2009, the financial contribution of the sector to the overall GDP stood at USD 49 billion.

The industry is also one of the top priority and supported sectors by the Qatari government for its food system sustainability. In this regard, Qatar invests heavily in agrofood equipment and technologies. Despite the challenging climate conditions, Qatar has successful examples of organic farms and is self-sufficient in dairy production.
In light of the above-mentioned facts, the Investment Office of Türkiye and EY Qatar will jointly host an industry-specific virtual event featuring Türkiye’s investment climate and sector prospects.

Moderator: Abdullah Deniz – Investment Office of Türkiye

  • Levent Sadık Küçükdaban – Country Advisor, Investment Office of Türkiye
  • Halit Duran (Ph.D) – Industry Expert, Investment Office of Türkiye
  • Orhan Berberoğlu – Director, EY Qatar
  • Yasir Khan – Director of Business Development, Hassad Food Company

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