Invest News DetailHaving operations in 229 countries and serving to 4.2 million customers globally, express cargo carrier DHL is decisive in further investing in Türkiye. John Allan, CFO and Member of the Board of Management said “Türkiye is one of our fastest growing markets. We made a lot of investmens here and we will continue to invest in Türkiye”. Following a tour to the DHL Innovation Center in Bonn, Allan talked to the press. Emphasizing that ‘developments in Türkiye in recent years are exciting’ Allan said “With the acquisition of Excel we expand our business in Türkiye. Express overland & sea transport and air freight will flourish. As trade picks up in Turkish market, logistics market will grow as well and realize its real potential. From the point of view of logistics Türkiye’s location is very interesting. We’ll continue to invest.” “TÜRKİYE IN TOP 10” Meanwhile Frank Weber, Communications President of Europe and Emerging Markets said “Among regional markets along with Germany, UK and France, Türkiye ranks in the first 10 countries”. Operating in Türkiye since 1981, DHL achieves over 50 percent market share with 750 employees and 350 vehicle fleet.