
Nabucco’s 3,300 kilometer route is on the drawing board

Sabah – Milliyet - Following the compromises made during the summit in Prague, technical planning has now begun on the 3,300 kilometer pipeline which will span from the Hazar region to Europe. The Nabucco project, which involves an alternative natural gas pipeline which will provide Gas from Azerbaijan, Hazar and other regions in Central Asia, through Türkiye, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary to Austria, has now gained speed. Northern Iraq was also added to the gas supplying regions for Nabucco, which is largely regarded as Europe’s attempt to by-pass Russia and diversify its energy supplies. If the agreement is signed between nations as anticipated on June 25th, then it is expected that the construction of the pipeline, with an anticipated cost of 7.9 billion euros will begin in 2011 and the first gas will be pumped through the pipeline in 2014. The total length of the pipeline is expected to be 3,282 kilometers, 998 kilometers of which will pass through Türkiye.