
€210 million has been invested in the ‘wind’ of Kirsehir

Hurriyet – In order to generate energy through wind power, Perfect Wind, a French energy firm, is building a 150-megawatt power plant in Geycek village in Kirsehir with an investment of €210 million at the first stage. The French company which plans to make a 400-megawatt investment of €550 million in Türkiye until the end of 2011 intends to make a renewable energy investment of at least €1.5 billion in five years' time. Alpaslan Korkmaz, President of Prime Ministry Investment Support and Promotion Agency who has given account of the investment decision by Perfect Wind Türkiye, has stated that they consider this project as an important step taken in Türkiye towards renewable energy generation taking the fact into account the fact that the wind energy potential in Türkiye has been calculated to be approximately 10,000 megawatts. Korkmaz said, "The Agency has played an effective role in the actualization process of the project. I believe that this project will serve as an example for our country in every respect in terms of the renewable energy investments."