
Dubai-Based ORIGIN to Manufacture EV Chargers in Türkiye

​Dubai-headquartered technology company, ORIGIN Charging Technologies, announced its commencement of electric vehicle (EV) charging station manufacturing in Türkiye. ORIGIN expressed its commitment to advancing e-mobility through this significant step and extended gratitude to the Investment Office for their assistance throughout the entire investment process.

In his remarks on the announcement, Investment Office President highlighted Türkiye's commitment to prioritizing the domestic production of EV charging stations, stating, "We warmly welcome ORIGIN's initiative to begin producing charging stations in Türkiye, as it represents a valuable contribution to industry expansion."

ORIGIN Managing Director Ömer Yavuz Göl expressed enthusiasm, noting, "We are thrilled to embark on the production of ultra-fast charging stations in Türkiye. We sincerely thank the Investment Office for their unwavering support throughout this period."

Established in 2017, ORIGIN designs and produces hardware and software for ultra-rapid charging stations for electric vehicle.​

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ORIGIN; EV; Türkiye